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How To Stop Stuttering Without Spending Thousands of Dollars


How to stop stuttering Have you ever wondered how you can stop your stuttering without spending thousands of dollars?

Let me guess…

You probably have tried some kind of stuttering treatment one way or another at some point in your life… or may be you always wanted to but you just couldn’t afford it.

We all know that stuttering treatments such as speech therapy, intensive stuttering management programs, technological devices and many others cost thousands of dollars to even try them.

…and worst of all, unfortunately they rarely meet stutterers’ expectations!

The big question… How to stop stuttering?

I personally spent more than $20,000 to be able to find a solution for my stuttering. However, I always ended up getting either NO or TEMPORARY results from those stuttering treatments.

In this article, I’m going to share with you how you can improve your speech and overcome your stuttering challenge without spending a fortune.

First of all, finding a solution to your stuttering has nothing to do with how much money you spent or are willing to spend on it. Overcoming stuttering is not about “how much”, it is about “HOW TO”.

It’s about understanding and approaching stuttering the right way. It’s about learning the right skills and applying them the right way, on the right time with the help of right people!

How to stop stuttering is a “limited” question to ask yourself.

I personally don’t like the question “how to stop stuttering“, overcoming our stuttering challenge is a better way of addressing the issue I believe.

As I said, overcoming stuttering or if you prefer to call it stop stuttering is not about how much money you spend, so it is not about “how much” it is about “how to”!

Let me give you a couple tips:

1) If you want to improve your speech to a great level and eventually overcome your stuttering challenge, you need to play both sides of the game;

The Inner and Outer Game of Stuttering.

Inner game is your mental strength, your mindset and how you approach the problem, where Outer Game is the speaking tools, techniques and strategies you use to manage your speech.

One needs to play both sides of this Stuttering Game. If one side of your game is weak, I can assure you that you won’t be able to achieve the results you desire at the end of the day.

For example;

If your inner game is not strong enough, it is almost impossible to get real life results even if you use the perfect stuttering techniques from the perfect speech therapy program of all time.

So, make sure you address both sides of the game in order to be able to win this game and achieve the results you desire.

2) Never ever think that the more expensive the therapy is the more effective it is. There are a lot of expensive and misleading programs on the market (both online and offline). However, there are also very effective and helpful programs and courses. Sometimes you can benefit 10 times more from a not very expensive program than you benefit from a program which costs thousands of dollars.

3) Stay away from “cure stuttering” or “quick fix” type of promises which quite a number of products and programs(especially online) use to advertise their business. Look for trust, look for bonding. Make sure they CARE about you and they know what they are talking about. Get to know them before making a decision.

As I said, the price of a stuttering course has nothing to do with its effectiveness. Don’t be fooled with high prices or misleading promises.

There are a lot of expensive stuttering treatments which has no value, and similarly there are cheap products which are just scams. When it comes to stuttering treatment and answering the question “how to stop stuttering?…

… the answer you should look for is not about “how much” but about “HOW TO”…which brings me to the next point.

4) Make sure the stuttering treatment you choose to go for addresses both aspects of the stuttering game. Remember, inner game and outer game is the answer when it comes to dissolving your fear of stuttering and being able to eventually reach your ultimate goal and stop stuttering.

If you don’t address both aspects, no matter how much you paid, you’ll probably end up with no or temporary results… just like I did for years!

How to stop stuttering?

Your popular question which is not my favorite way to put it 🙂

If you’d like to learn more about the inner and outer game of stuttering and how you can improve your speech to a great level and eventually overcome your stuttering challenge without spending thousands of dollars, then…

…feel free to visit the below resources I created for you:

Outer Game of Stuttering

Inner Game of Stuttering


You can also watch this 5-part FREE Video eCourse which I put together for people who are going through what I had gone through for years.

Please do not hesitate to comment below if you have any questions or would like to share your thoughts on how to stop stuttering without spending a fortune.

Wish you the best,


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